Plessey 1A1/71201 4.132 kg
TXE2 B Switch
B switch units are available in only one size - 5 x10
up to three of them can have their O/L's commoned together to give a B switch of 15 x 10.
Five such 15 x 10 B switches are used in every full major of 3 A switches.
The B switch itself contains only a cross point matrix. It contains no test access relays, control or alarm equipment
Selection Sequence
When the A pattern Relay's operate, theT & M wires of the A-B trunks ( B switch Inputs) are extended to the B switch Selector
When the B switch selector make sits choice it extends a +7.5v mark on the chosen M wire
When the C switch crosspoint relay operates the 15v form the C switch is extended on a H wire to the B switch and the cross point relay operates.
When the common equipment releases the A pattern relays release and the Mark in released from the M Wire
On a normal cleardown release of the supervisory relay set releases the Crosspoint.
Bill of Materials
50 x X25/6 - 160 OHM Reed Relays
1XA-5XA,1XB-5XB,1XC-5XC,...D,E,F,G,H,J,1XK-5XK ( There is no i)
BOM cont. Y Side
h1-h5 - not fitted
g1-g5 - not fitted
e1-f1 - 1.8k ohm
e1-e2-e3 - purple cable -A1- -48v
e3-f3 -1 k ohm
e4,f4 notused
e5-f5 1k ohm
f5 -grey/blue cable
d1-d2-d3-d4-d5-e5 -cable -A9- +48v
d1-c1 -27 kohm, d2-c2 -27k Ohm,d3-c3 -27 kohm, d4-c4 -27k Ohm,d5-c5 -27k Ohm
b1-c1 - green/red - B5 - Test row 1
b2-c2 - green/red - C5 - Test row 2
b3-c3 - green/red - D5 - Test row 3
b4-c4 - green/red - E5 - Test row 4
b5-c5 - green/red - F5 - Test row 5
a1-b1- 15k ohm